Monticello Community

Historical Society



The Monticello Community Historical Society sollection preserves documents on the small mount on the prairie. If one of the following items

interests you, please contact us at 913-667-3706 or

Last updated February 20, 2010

Amos --- Anderson --- Annexation --- Archeology --- Artifacts --- Barnett Log House --- Barth --- Boles, Charles Boles --- Bradley / Glynn --- Dr. William Bull; Susan Bull; Susan Brown; Susan Wolfe; David Wolfe --- Bullock Cemetery --- Cameron --- Catterson --- Cherry Lane School --- Chillicothe Town Site-East of Mill Creek --- Chouteau Station --- Clear Creek Baptist Church --- Clear Creek Grange Hall --- Coker --- Coleman / Wilder --- Colored Church (Holliday) --- Cordray / Reed --- Corliss --- Craig Station --- Early Kansas History --- Elliott --- Feilbach --- Flint, Levi Flint, Stella Flint --- Flood-1903 --- Flood-1951 --- Flood-1993 --- Focus on Farming narrated by Former Governor John Anderson --- Frisbie --- Frisbie Station --- Funk --- Garland Thomas Museum --- Samuel Garrett and Betsey Garrett, Betsey Chouteau, Betsey Captain --- Gospel Assembly Church --- Hadley --- John Ham and Mary Ham --- Harris --- Heritage Day --- Heritage Festival --- Hickok, James Butler (Wild Bill Hickok) --- Historic Preservation --- Historic Scenic By-way --- History of Valentines ---
Hocker Electric Line --- Hodges --- Holliday Baptist Church --- Holliday School --- Holliday Townsite --- Howard --- Huston --- Indian Land --- John Reed Log House, Nancy Reed --- Johnson County Water District #1 --- Kansas Humanities --- Kansas State Historical Society KSHS --- Kaw River Bridges --- Kaw Valley Sand Plants --- Kenton --- Keroher --- King / Wilder / Boles Cemetery --- Klahr --- Kueker / Frakes --- Langston --- Liberty School --- Lynn --- Lyons --- Malsby --- Maps --- McCallop --- McCoy / Woodson --- Mettee --- Midland Trail Campsites --- Mill Creek Regional Wastewater --- Mill Creek Streamway Park --- Mill Valley High School --- Millwood Business Park-Johnson Drive --- Mize --- Monticello Cemetery --- Monticello Drainage District --- Monticello Fire District --- Monticello Fire District #1 --- Monticello Fire Rescue --- Monticello Fire Station --- Monticello Memories of Monticello Families --- Monticello Methodist Church --- Monticello School --- Monticello School Teachers --- Monticello Store --- Monticello Telephone Exchange --- Monticello Township Hall --- Monticello Townsite --- Monticello Trails School --- More --- Murphy Cemetery --- Navy Plane Crash 1950 --- Near Champion Maple Trees --- Nelson Island --- North Lone Elm School --- Ogden --- Old Shawnee Town --- Owen --- Parker --- Parks --- Payne --- Pentecostal Church --- John Pettyjohn; Mary Grace Pettyjohn; Mary Pettyjohn; Mary Reed --- Photographs --- Piper Farm, Abraham Piper, Abraham Martin Piper, A.M. Piper, Jennie Piper, Jennie Kay --- Post Offices and Stage Line --- Prairie Star School --- Preservation of Unmarked Graves HB 2144 --- Prison city USA ---
Quaintance --- Railroads; Atchison, Topeka, Santa Fe Railroad --- Reitz --- James Rich, James Wilson Rich, J.W. Rich --- Martin Rively, Martin Pierce Rively, M.P. Rively --- River Boats and Ferry Crossings --- Robinson --- Round Prairie School --- Rural Water District #3 --- Sarver, Jacob Sarver and Rebecca Sarver, Rebecca Heister --- Scheidt --- Schlup --- Sesquicentennial-Shawnee 2006 --- Sesquicentennial-Johnson County 2005 --- Sesquicentennial-Monticello 2007 --- Seventh Day Adventist Church --- Sewers --- Shawnee Indian Mill --- Shawnee Indian School --- Shawnee Mission Memorial Garden Cemetery --- Shawnee Town --- Shirtcliff --- St. Louis, Lawrence & Denver R.R. in Johnson County --- Starwood Park --- Stein / Oakley --- Stuck --- Theden --- Toothaker --- Tornado 1857 / Tornado 1859 --- William Trembley --- Union Cemetery --- Virginia School --- Visions of the Past --- Wagner --- Whitcher --- Widmer --- Wilder Neighborhood Social Club --- Wilder School --- Wilder Townsite --- Williams --- Woodsonia School --- Zarah Townsite
1859 Census: Boles, Booth, Bugg, Bousman, Bradley, Buchanan, Brassfield, Beardsly, Cordray, Carbery, Catterson, Contzer, Cook, Davenport, Dagby, Denber, Donalson, Filch, Flournay, Finlay, Gordan, Garnder, Gardner, Ginter, Hagan, Hadley, Hickok, Harris, Hinton, Ham, Hall, Hundley, Jenkins, Honson, Koehler, Letchworth, McIntyre, McNamer, Morrison, Massey, Mayfield, Maupin, Owen, Pasquet, Payne, Quigley, Reed, Rich, Rolston, Reynolds, Roberts, Spanawh, Suttles, Suton, Start, Sarver, Shoemaker, Shafer, Shannon, Strasser, Smith, Sanburn, Schmidt, Sass, Sayne, Taylor, Toler, Williams, Walker, Wysand, White, Watersmith

(913) 667-3706

Amos --- Anderson --- Annexation --- Archeology --- Artifacts --- Barnett Log House --- Barth --- Boles, Charles Boles -- - Bradley / Glynn --- Dr. William Bull; Susan Bull; Susan Brown; Susan Wolfe; David Wolfe --- Bullock Cemetery --- Cameron --- Catterson --- Cherry Lane School --- Chillicothe Town Site-East of Mill Creek --- Chouteau Station --- Clear Creek Baptist Church --- Clear Creek Grange Hall --- Coker --- Coleman / Wilder --- Colored Church (Holliday) --- Cordray / Reed --- Corliss --- Craig Station --- Early Kansas History --- Elliott --- Feilbach --- Flint, Levi Flint, Stella Flint --- Flood-1903 --- Flood-1951 --- Flood- 1993 --- Focus on Farming narrated by Former Governor John Anderson --- Frisbie --- Frisbie Station --- Funk --- Garland Thomas Museum --- Samuel Garrett and Betsey Garrett, Betsey Chouteau, Betsey Captain --- Gospel Assembly Church --- Hadley --- John Ham and Mary Ham --- Harris --- Heritage Day --- Heritage Festival --- Hickok, James Butler (Wild Bill Hickok) --- Historic Preservation --- Historic Scenic By-way --- History of Valentines ---
Hocker Electric Line --- Hodges --- Holliday Baptist Church --- Holliday School --- Holliday Townsite --- Howard --- Huston --- Indian Land --- John Reed Log House, Nancy Reed --- Johnson County Water District #1 --- Kansas Humanities --- Kansas State Historical Society KSHS --- Kaw River Bridges --- Kaw Valley Sand Plants --- Kenton --- Keroher --- King / Wilder / Boles Cemetery --- Klahr --- Kueker / Frakes --- Langston --- Liberty School --- Lynn --- Lyons --- Malsby --- Maps --- McCallop -- - McCoy / Woodson --- Mettee --- Midland Trail Campsites --- Mill Creek Regional Wastewater --- Mill Creek Streamway Park --- Mill Valley High School --- Millwood Business Park- Johnson Drive --- Mize --- Monticello Cemetery --- Monticello Drainage District --- Monticello Fire District --- Monticello Fire District #1 --- Monticello Fire Rescue --- Monticello Fire Station --- Monticello Memories of Monticello Families --- Monticello Methodist Church --- Monticello School --- Monticello School Teachers --- Monticello Store --- Monticello Telephone Exchange --- Monticello Township Hall --- Monticello Townsite -- - Monticello Trails School --- More --- Murphy Cemetery --- Navy Plane Crash 1950 --- Near Champion Maple Trees --- Nelson Island --- North Lone Elm School --- Ogden --- Old Shawnee Town --- Owen --- Parker --- Parks --- Payne --- Pentecostal Church --- John Pettyjohn; Mary Grace Pettyjohn; Mary Pettyjohn; Mary Reed --- Photographs --- Piper Farm, Abraham Piper, Abraham Martin Piper, A.M. Piper, Jennie Piper, Jennie Kay --- Post Offices and Stage Line --- Prairie Star School --- Preservation of Unmarked Graves HB 2144 --- Prison city USA ---
Quaintance --- Railroads; Atchison, Topeka, Santa Fe Railroad --- Reitz --- James Rich, James Wilson Rich, J.W. Rich --- Martin Rively, Martin Pierce Rively, M.P. Rively --- River Boats and Ferry Crossings --- Robinson --- Round Prairie School --- Rural Water District #3 --- Sarver, Jacob Sarver and Rebecca Sarver, Rebecca Heister --- Scheidt --- Schlup --- Sesquicentennial-Shawnee 2006 --- Sesquicentennial-Johnson County 2005 --- Sesquicentennial- Monticello 2007 --- Seventh Day Adventist Church --- Sewers --- Shawnee Indian Mill --- Shawnee Indian School --- Shawnee Mission Memorial Garden Cemetery --- Shawnee Town --- Shirtcliff --- St. Louis, Lawrence & Denver R.R. in Johnson County --- Starwood Park --- Stein / Oakley --- Stuck --- Theden --- Toothaker --- Tornado 1857 / Tornado 1859 --- William Trembley --- Union Cemetery --- Virginia School --- Visions of the Past --- Wagner --- Whitcher --- Widmer --- Wilder Neighborhood Social Club --- Wilder School --- Wilder Townsite --- Williams --- Woodsonia School --- Zarah Townsite
1859 Census: Boles, Booth, Bugg, Bousman, Bradley, Buchanan, Brassfield, Beardsly, Cordray, Carbery, Catterson, Contzer, Cook, Davenport, Dagby, Denber, Donalson, Filch, Flournay, Finlay, Gordan, Garnder, Gardner, Ginter, Hagan, Hadley, Hickok, Harris, Hinton, Ham, Hall, Hundley, Jenkins, Honson, Koehler, Letchworth, McIntyre, McNamer, Morrison, Massey, Mayfield, Maupin, Owen, Pasquet, Payne, Quigley, Reed, Rich, Rolston, Reynolds, Roberts, Spanawh, Suttles, Suton, Start, Sarver, Shoemaker, Shafer, Shannon, Strasser, Smith, Sanburn, Schmidt, Sass, Sayne, Taylor, Toler, Williams, Walker, Wysand, White, Watersmith
The Monticello Community Historical Society sollection preserves documents on the small mount on the prairie. If one of the following items interests you, please contact us at 913- 667-3706 or Last updated February 20, 2010

Monticello Community

Historical Society